For some time I did not come to account for the evolution of my little corner of greenery and for good reason. We went from the autumn rain, Mistral and pullovers, and hop on June 10, the heat wave where you have to drag himself to bring Mowgli No. 1 in school then not lifting a finger under penalty turn into something dripping with sweat (yuck). So inevitably the garden took a hit. I still managed to mow and weed by ignoring the palm in my hand. So the jungle, we are now in the scrubland,
with even the cicadas!
For cons the garden waiting for next year:
at least it make a point of comparison for when I have done ...
But life goes in slow motion:

there is the jasmine bush rid of plants that were hiding. Litter behind because, if the garden does not change, it becomes home (door and windows displaced). So, if I want to give human face to my oasis of greenery, I'll have to make trips to the dump.
Soon enough, moreover, because I intend to get some plantuches vacation. Thus the import Tunisian Jasmine is, I tried a palm but has not supported the change of continent. I intend to take a "misc el-lil" musk of night (simultaneous), which smells at night or while another variety of jasmine flowers aves which the Tunisian bouquets are sold to tourists (I bring you photos).
Voili, voilou, good nap.
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