"in my garden, I 'm a quiche and smiley hoof "
I do not know about you, but for me, after having reviewed the garden in the middle of this year, I notice that there still some failures.
I know old news that I do not really have a green thumb ... but still ....
It was already begun in February with the planting of vegetables and flowers (I should have known better ...) soon lifted, and soon relapsed soon dried.
Period. At least it has the merit of being clear.
Well, let's ...
In March it was the turn of some shrubs (dogwood variegated and purple Cotinus) planted last fall. They suffered, hold on, a wave of heat (who would have thought). So here they are naked as worms roots up to about 50cm tall. Today they have a port some rather special umbrella-shaped! Please note, I intend to file patent !
Right now, it's too full of rain which caused injury to some: zucchini yellow so they drink the cup, I placed the orchid garden from the beautiful days passed away and the poppies were also deceased. BLOUP
What reassures me is that some elements are beyond my control. I can still not be the cause of all this carnage (it will be reassuring as you can!).
So there's weather, but also the dirty beasts of the garden. I appointed the first place: slugs, those who have cherished slobbering stomach as big as carrouf corner and nasty sharp teeth that attack all plantuches soft green color (ie all or almost all) .

The clematis has not escaped the attack of an insect which is called "X Beetle" (for unidentified), but I ate the Most of its young leaves.
Maybe this is indeed THE CAT. After all, it is not only the pool which is not like in my garden.
A check ...
Then comes the turn of plantations silly or inadequate:
A white phlox that I have moved. He was in full sun but may be too drained ground (if anyone has an idea to submit myself to restore it ... I liked to keep it a little longer in my garden!)
Frankly there It really makes the mouth!
Frankly there It really makes the mouth!

A Heuchera 'Citronella' planted in full sun and who I think took a sunburn on her pretty little leaves.
Looks like she burned ...
... When I said I'm hopeless in the garden!
Looks like she burned ...
... When I said I'm hopeless in the garden!
A spirea that desperately floundering (it is normally green anise ... "this is serious doctor ???")
It's still not my fault there, ... not?
It's still not my fault there, ... not?
Association Lavatera / squash Patisson will not rebuild in a bed of 70 cm wide: everything climbs over and pulls the wad to see who will grow the fastest and will largest of the great ... anything!
And finally: a garden in which my salads go to seed without going through the box "I m'étoffe. But that's my fault ... I followed the advice Guedin a book that advised throw all the seeds on the fly in his square and nature would have it, while push superbly and on time ... My eye
yes: everything grows in bulk, overlap, killing each other ... rising stock of salads, radishes and carrots Tiny hindering everyone.
That list of some big failures, but as my garden is not big ... the list is long!
Oh ... I forgot my pool patch, but that it matters not, it's not a plant!
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