Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Is The Clause For Inverter Air Con

Writing Lesson

In the French lessons led by fourth- Monique Richard, he was asked to idealize a very brief outline: A few words from which taxed embroidery. Some productions

hand of cards in a collection that can be found in the library.

Route No. 1

I fly behind me and I let my stupid
In all my years, I have taken liberties.
Death never prevent me from traveling
And it is Barcelona that I dream of going.

My path has not started : but today
No serious obstacle in sight.
I walk fearlessly toward the sun that shines
And I reach and unknown spaces.

Guard Steve

Course No. 2

I walk behind me and I let my ghetto
My fear, my friends, want to kill life.
Death almost always wrong but I'm moving
My house, buildings, the life of a macho man.

My path has not started: I am disappointed
No remorse and no project is in sight.
I walk towards life, glory, my enemies.
And maybe a project that begins with a l.

William Muller

Route No. 3

and I walk behind me, I let my fear ,
I trace my path, I leave my imprint, Death
lulls life and through his pregnant
Death without justice there does not complain.

My path has not started in wealth, no existence
nature is in sight, I walk
without delay but with speed,
To know what is unknown to me. Jean-Christophe



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