Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Long Does Interior Paint Last

Despite beloved Ayiti tou louse toujou # 2

Our college is affected by the disaster that befell on Port-au-Prince and its surroundings. Many students are without news of relatives affected by the disaster.

The husband of a teacher, firefighter specializing in trenching work, left this week with a group of Departmental Service Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) of Guyana. Communication difficulties with Haiti makes these family situations very stressful.

News of these rescuers are available on the blog created for this occasion by the SDIS. Here is the group of firefighters Guyana accompanied by the Ambassador of France in Haiti, on arrival in Port-au-Prince.

Go visit this blog and feel free to leave a message of encouragement to our brave rescuers ambassadors.

Groupe de sapeurs pompiers guyanais partis prêter secours à Haïti, en compagnie de l'ambassadeur de France. Cliquer pour accéder au blog du SDIS973 Click photo to view this blog.

distress and anxiety are high in Guyana to the extent of damage reported by the media.

Arrivée de la marche de solidarité et de remerciement pour Haïti devant le Consulat, fermé, à Cayenne, dimanche 17 janvier 2010 - Cliquer pour agrandir la photo
The images and stories are trying to realize the immensity of the destruction suffered by the population in the greatest destitution.

L'ambassade de France à Port-au-Prince après le séisme du 12 janvier 2010 - Photo : le Nouvelliste - Cliquer pour accéder au site de ce journal centenaire haïtien Click on image to access the site of Haitian newspaper Le Nouvelliste

Here also Blog a French journalist Francois Bonnet Médiapart, bringing together video shot by Haitian students about the tragedy that has also touched the cultural capital of Haiti, Jacmel.

As it shows starkly that the consequences of such a calamity

Marie Force from Jacmel Film Institute we Vimeo.

Here also some pictures taken by in Port-au-Prince devastated:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

High Cervix Late For Period

Despite beloved Ayiti tou louse toujou # 1

Cayenne - French Guiana - Sunday, January 10 - 10am : a solidarity march and thanksgiving was held at Brutus Bridge Consulate of Haiti in Cayenne, the appeal of Radio Mosaic. The crowd, small, has accompanied the ignement everyone has pain.

Marche de solidarité à Cayenne, dimanche 17 janvier 2010 - Cliquer pour voir les photos - éric_nansenet
>>> Click the image to access photos of the event
( copyright: nansenet.e @ )

Few people moved. The doors of the Cathedral of Cayenne, rue Francois Arago, remained closed!

Cliquer pour accéder au diaporama de la Marche du 17 janvier 2010 - Photos : éric_nansenet >>> Click on photo to access a slide show on the event.

As said a Haitian proverb, quoted by René Depestre ,

"the pencil God has no eraser"

Malgré tou - Ayiti chéri - pou toujou
The colors of Haiti, blue Freedom of red and the Equal , were worn with grace and dedication. The pain contained.

Le drapeau haïtien porté fièrement par de jeunes collégiennes de l'Ïle de Cayenne - Cliquer pour voir Haïti sur Wikipédia
The images and information we receive from the earthquake are alarming, the damage.

Cathédrale de Port-au-Prince après le séisme de janvier 2010 - Copyright : Le Nouvelliste - Cliquer pour accéder au site du Nouvelliste, journal haïtien fondé en 1898 >>> picture given by the newspaper's website The Haitian Nouvelliste

The capital, Port-au-Prince is not only affected.

Below is a chart of the UN , released by the AFP presents the geography around the epicenter of the earthquake.

Carte du séisme de janvier 2010 en Haïti - source ONU - Cliquer pour accéder au site de l' ONU >>> Click on image to access the website of the UN .

Check before the Consulate of Haiti in Cayenne, the crowd knelt before the closed gates of the Consulate of Haiti ...

modestly, it invoked its emergency
the Lord arms to heaven.