Sub-prefecture ABBEVILLE should validate, it's still not done!
It seems that on technical matters, the sub-prefecture has decided to seek modifications. On the corporate purpose, the sub-prefecture is circumspect.
remember it, the articles that were voted on are the result of the work of Ms. LECOEUR . When I was at work the implementing Circular of the Ministry of Interior was not extended. Since then I have repeatedly said that the project should be redesigned ..
Beyond the technical aspects, a point is to remember: THE CHANGE OF CORPORATE PURPOSE.
In articles written by Mr. HOURIEZ :
"The association is aimed at the preservation and beautification of the site that represents the Bois de Cise (...) and improving means such as to serve the peaceful character of the site is welcoming . "
In articles written by Ms. LECOEUR :
" The association aims to preserve and beautify the site represents the Bois de Cise (...) by encouraging a rational management of forest cover and protection of architectural heritage. .
The difference is significant, we spend a ASA which is invested with power to protect and improve the site for its tranquility to ASA powers amputees whose role Byzantine is to try to manage the evolution of the delicate balance "tree-houses" without conviction director.
Moreover, if one compares the result of the article by Mr. HOURIEZ with article 2 bis, it is clear that independence affirmed the association disappears the benefit of a "full cooperation with the joint AULT and SAINT-QUENTIN -LA-MOTTE" . Finally, the association is now responsible "ways to implement to meet the specifications" instead of being charged 'compliance with the specifications ".
If tomorrow AULT Town Council wants to allow the subdivision and densification construction in the auditorium (as recommended in the report of the DIREN ) if tomorrow the City of SAINT-QUENTIN -LA-MOTTE wants to impose a roundabout at the entrance of the Bois de Cise ... , Association of Trade Unions Allowed Bois de Cise can only suffer.
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