For 7 weeks, Ernest and his girlfriend Rebecca on vacation in the pages of newspaper Spirou !

Campaign, pastoral landscapes, swim in the river, treehouse, Rebecca Will she finally opened to the world around him? Move away
she provided her boyfriend the microbe? The answer
Wednesday, May 26 booths in all!
Exclusive inter-galactic cover article to be published next week, made by my two friends: Antonello Dalena and Cecila Giumento!
A brief snippet of what you'll soon discover in this third album (released in late August), and for the impatient, very soon in the pages of the groom the most famous on the planet!
(As you can see, the text lacks ... You imagine the words as you see fit, anyway the images speak for themselves ...)

Most of these little scenes inspired me was my childhood in the countryside during the summer ..
I hope you have as much fun to read that we had to make it happen!

Go courage friends, more than four days to wait before you rush like thirsty beasts of phylacteries at your favorite newsstand!
Soon other previews, sketches, research and interviews ...
weekend of Pentecost will be long!
Be well!
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