Sunday, March 29, 2009

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Rames Guyane 2009 # 6

Fourth Sunday in the second edition of the race trans-Atlantic rowing, solo, nonstop or assistance.

Thousands of oars have to tear the continent, even sting a bit too far south of the road circle, the shortest to Cayenne (yellow on the map below) , because of strong winds and swell from the north, from the outset.

The fleet then passed further south than expected, the archipelago of Cape Verde . This Sunday, March 29 at 11:00 GMT, in mind, a Guyanese, Patrick Hoyau Kourou! (canoe in red on the map below) .

Sunday, March 29 at 11:00 GMT
Position 1: Patrick Hoyau on SDVI
06 ° 58.38 N - 30 ° 31.20 W
to 1 307.5 miles from the finish
Cap: 248 ° - Speed: 1.7 knots

See the press release here PC running Bouvet Rames Guyane .

Almost half the distance was covered in 3 weeks from the first. This firm tug and the sores are multiplying.

Each competitor is alone with himself, amid the vast ocean, pushed westward by the traction of its trains carried over the ocean and the winds blowing now regularly from east-northeast . The responsibilities involved in the competition on the shoulders of the rower. The 20 boats

face now the open sea, a sea that pushes competitors moving day and night. A radar detector can prevent, 24h 24, the approach of a vessel to leave the browser alone the task of negotiating the best passing maneuver.

Leading the fleet, the fight was close: Patrick Favre on Heritage Victoria has dominated the first three weeks of competition, leaving finally, last Thursday, the first place in Kourou, French Guiana, Patrick Hoyau on SDVI . A second

Guiana Charles Bergere Sinnamary, moved decisively on the lookout, 1 ° further north, in fourth place (08 ° 00.53 N - 29 ° 28.98 W, in red on the map below) .

There is about 5-6 weeks and hundreds of thousands of oars to address the Guyana Plateau, bordered by the Amazon and the Orinoco and the Atlantic Ocean.

Good management efforts, Food and mind will guarantee victory. Sound navigation and intelligent management of the winds and currents as well. The

paris are open: mattock, Bonnier, Favre, Bergere, Laine, have we, in this quintet of head, the trifecta in Cayenne (04 ° 56'05 "N - 52 ° 19'49" W)?

Friday, March 13, 2009

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Rames Guyane 2009 # 5

Patrick Favre is still leading the race before the Guyanese Hoyau Patrick and Jean Luc Torre. The platoon will soon move to southern archipelago of Cape Verde , home of the famous singer Cesaria Evora, Cape Verdean.

On the map below:
  • canoe Heritage Victoria Patrick Favre is red .
  • The yellow line represents the great circle route ie the shortest route between Saint-Louis, Senegal and Cayenne. Is this the wisest to follow? Competitors seem to have chosen a more southerly route, using the winds blowing now from the north.

cliquer pour agrandir la carte
competitors took off, leaving Africa behind, or rather before them since the bow oar back to them. They also move away from the coastal sea route frequented by merchant ships and fishing that have caused a few scares some of them.

Friday, March 13 - 17:00 GMT
Position 1: Patrick Favre on
Heritage Victoria (1 986.8 miles from the finish)
13 ° 13.02 N - 19 49.62 ° W
Cap: 223 ° - Speed: 2.1 knots

---> Patrick Favre has not participated in the prologue, received a penalty of 48 hours . So it is at this moment, the Kouroucien Patrick Hoyau SDVI is on top!

---> Interview at Sea by Patrick Favre's team escort boat:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

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Rames Guyane 2009 # 4

Dakar, Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 13:00 GMT:
Patrick Fabre tops above the peak Almadies northwest of Dakar (capital of Senegal ), the westernmost point of Africa.

The Road skipper Heritage Victoria could not be registered because of its failure Argos . From the outset, it seems to have opted for a route west of the platoon, fighting against the north winds that folding the boat to shore. His boat is

red on the map below with its trajectory, more marked in white.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009: 10:00 (ET Cayenne GMT-3h)
Position 1: Victoria Heritage Patrick Favre
(2 120.3 miles marine arrival)

14 ° 54.78N - 17 ° 51.42W
heading 240 ° - Speed: 2.4 knots

Jean-Jacques Gauthier zigzagged and lost two places. It retains third place with the point of Almadies to address the open sea (boat in red on the map below).

The bulk of the pack goes beyond Cape Verde to the south which Dakar (capital of former French West Africa since 1902) hosts its port.

The peninsula of Cape Verde, or simply the Cape Verde ( Cabo Verde in Portuguese), is composed of two peaks:
  • the tip Almadies (from the Arabic El Mahdi ) north-west, the
  • Cape Manuel (name Manuel III, king of Portugal 1495 - 1521) to the south.

is immune from this promontory that fits the Goree Island .

" Theoretically, the road to Cayenne does not force the sailors to make full west. Except that a closer look, they need before spinning in the southwest Easterly train, pass the Cape Almadies north-west of Cape Verde (not to be confused with Cape Verde Islands ) and is the westernmost point of Africa.

Unfortunately, some have failed to pass the exit door and spun yesterday dangerously towards the coast. This morning they were eleven to have been towed :

Henri-Georges Hidair Patricia Lemoine, Peter Katz, Henri Deboulogne, Didier Lemoine, Karl Barranco, Christopher Lemur, Jean-Pierre Habold Patrick Deixonne, Rémy Alnet and Jean-Pierre Vennat.

A list inhomogeneous, as some have benefited from a jump west of 50 miles while others such as Jean-Pierre Vennat have been made for a trailer that miles .

The race committee is currently reviewing the situation to propose a system of penalties appropriate to the situation.
"(see press release on the official website )

Monday, March 9, 2009

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Rames Guyane 2009 # 3

St. Louis, Senegal, Monday, March 9, 5:50 p.m. (GMT-3h)
The 22 competitors received yesterday Sunday in calm weather to cross safely pass that opens into the Atlantic Ocean. The traditional bar waves that block the passage to sea was mild: the hollow of one meter. Full

west, the islands of Cape Verde. To the south, the peninsula of Cape Verde where niche Dakar, Senegal's capital.

cliquer sur la carte pour l'agrandir
winds blowing from the north, pushing competitors dangerously towards the shore.

Some, like Henri-Georges Hidair Patricia Lemoine and Peter Katz, could not straighten their course and were Towed by support boats farther west, out to sea.

"This morning the Melody towed Deboulogne Henry and Didier Lemoine and production catamaran took care of Karl Barranco, Christopher Lemur, Jean-Pierre and Patrick Habold Deixonne to the drop to 17 degrees 15 minutes west " (on- bouvet ).

On Monday, Jean-Jacques Gauthier held the lead. It stings the southeast, heading 228 °, gradually moving away from the coast at a speed of 2 knots .

Henry George and Patricia Lemoine Hidair were side side, the north-west, after towing away from the African coast, they appear in the 3rd and 4th positions, but their penalty will be affected by the classification upon arrival.

Monday, March 9 - 17.10 (GMT-3h) *
Position the boat head: Ramencoeur Jean-Jacques Gauthier

15 ° 23.17N - 17 ° 01.80W

Cap 228 ° - Speed: 2 knots

* UT-3h : Times - 3 hours, timezone of Brasilia, legal time from Cayenne, French Guiana.

cliquer sur la carte pour l'agrandir
On the map above, the course of the 22 competitors from St. Louis in Senegal are plotted, the position of the fleet at the time indicated.

The red boat is that of Jean-Jacques Gauthier, head from the beginning.

The road in yellow is the shortest distance, to join Cayenne called circle route.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tally Exception Error C00005

Rames Guyane 2009 # 2

Saint-Louis du Senegal, Sunday, March 8, 15h (GMT-3h Time Cayenne) :
The transatlantic race Rames Guyane 2009 started from 7am (GMT-3h) . The departure is the famous bridge Faidherbe that connects the Ile Saint Louis in the districts of the island of Sor.

unique gateway to the historic island of Saint-Louis, Senegal, inaugurated in 1897, the bridge is a steel structure Faidherbe to 7 arches " such as" swing bridge " Built in steel mesh, weighing a total of 1 300 tons. Its total length is 508.60 meters. Its spans are of unequal length. One measure 42.92 m, 36.55 m 2 others, other 5 8.26 m. each .

carte_depart_saint-louis 22 rowboats, 8m long by 1.60 m wide, exactly the same, the rush Faidherbe bridge, which crosses the river Senegal in the city of St. Louis towards the pass which opens to the south, the Atlantic Ocean.

2600 nautical miles or 4700 km away: Cayenne.
Between 40 to 60 days at sea, solo, nonstop or assistance.

rowing race alone has also begun on VirtualRegatta .

's Blog " News Mahury " is represented by the canoe remire2 which reads dashboard (click to enlarge) :

Our canoe remire2 s is launched from the West African coast for a transatlantic virtual rowing - Eastern Cape South East - Destination Cayenne, South America.

Here's ranking in VirtualRegatta Sunday, March 8, 2009 at 2:27 p.m. (GMT-3h):

portrait_jean jacques_gauthier As for the real race is the canoe Ramencoeur of Jean-Jacques Gauthier who raced in to head the assault of the ocean .

"marathon record holder on Concept 2 rowing machine, Jean-Jacques Gauthier will be the favorite this second edition. Sportsman he also has wide experience of rowing with, to his credit, a crossing Atlantic twice.
Present on the starting line of the first edition of the Bouvet Rame Guyana, he had had to throw in the towel after a broken boat departure.
This time, he has assembled a professional team: psychologist, therapist, meteorologist, nutritionist, sports doctor, sailor, professor of sleep, the team for several months, welded around the rowing champion . ( see more on-site bouvet )

Sunday, March 8 - 18H00 GMT
position of the first
Jean-Jacques Gauthier on Ramencoeur
15 ° 50.28N - 16 ° 38.17W

---> Small nice video on the move to St. Louis in Senegal conducted by 5050TV (department Private Television Channel)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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Rames Guyane 2009 # 1

A great adventure will begin next Sunday, March 8: crossing Atlantic Ocean the train, between Saint-Louis du Senegal and Cayenne in French Guiana.

Here the official card of the race that currently appears on the windows of some shops of the area, as the restaurant The Feijoada Montjoly2 the mall (click to enlarge) :

We see the faces included the 22 competitors who will dare to adventure, including a woman! The portraits of these 22 "convicts of glory" (which 7 resident in Guyana) are discovered on the official website of the race Bouvet Rames Guyane .

The departure will take place at Saint Louis du Senegal , a city founded in 1659 by sailors from Dieppe on an island in the mouth of the Senegal River which forms the northern border with Mauritania. Here is a video tour through the streets of St. Louis:

See below map of Senegal, speaking country located in the far west of West Africa (click on it to enlarge) :

cliquer droit pour accéder au blog de l'équipe d'Henri-Georges Hidair, un des concurrents guyanais de Rames Guyane 2009
You can participate virtually in this race (and therefore without great suffering) by registering for the game's website VirtualRegatta .

can also monitor and support one of the seven rowers Guyana, Henri-Georges Hidair by visiting his blog .

Excerpts videos of the 2006 and preparation of this edition are available on .