I think so, no but I think not ....
This weekend was another busy weekend: entertainment year-end + fete on Saturday with my 2 male trolls, and the Sunday ride with friends for picnic-barbecue-swimming -final of the euro (for zoms)-gossip (for women). Brief weekend without weeding, harvesting without without watering, hoeing without writ without a garden. But who says
garden at this time, also called pool ....
And there, dear friends, I think a cat psychopathic has taken a dislike to our pool.
He does not like blue sky, or the smell of chlorine, or water, or 3 combined. Who Knows ...
Moreover he must keep a schedule update for the attacks because it's still weird, it's every week end we messed up the pool ...
So that has stuck with last night after midnight, searching for holes in the headlamp and soapy water? Who has waded into the mud, barefoot, in the middle of 2 m3 of water spilled onto the lawn freshly lifted? Who put the patches at the peril of his life (Hum.. Y'avait a snail would not stop me fix ..)??? Who fingers crossed that none of the neighbors do not take us for robbers and leaving his gun??
... huh ... huh??
It Mr and myself, while children in severe crushed in bed (damn royally tired of the pool provided the next day it becomes operational) and the cat was responsible is curling mustache, rear leg in the air to scrub the butt and laughing in her hair good beating he had put in the pool!
This weekend was another busy weekend: entertainment year-end + fete on Saturday with my 2 male trolls, and the Sunday ride with friends for picnic-barbecue-swimming -final of the euro (for zoms)-gossip (for women). Brief weekend without weeding, harvesting without without watering, hoeing without writ without a garden. But who says
garden at this time, also called pool ....
And there, dear friends, I think a cat psychopathic has taken a dislike to our pool.
He does not like blue sky, or the smell of chlorine, or water, or 3 combined. Who Knows ...
Moreover he must keep a schedule update for the attacks because it's still weird, it's every week end we messed up the pool ...
So that has stuck with last night after midnight, searching for holes in the headlamp and soapy water? Who has waded into the mud, barefoot, in the middle of 2 m3 of water spilled onto the lawn freshly lifted? Who put the patches at the peril of his life (Hum.. Y'avait a snail would not stop me fix ..)??? Who fingers crossed that none of the neighbors do not take us for robbers and leaving his gun??
... huh ... huh??
It Mr and myself, while children in severe crushed in bed (damn royally tired of the pool provided the next day it becomes operational) and the cat was responsible is curling mustache, rear leg in the air to scrub the butt and laughing in her hair good beating he had put in the pool!
But you pay nothing to wait Bozzo, we'll see who laughs last ...
you I'm gonna make them eat your kibble me ... it will not drag ....
Pi come here kitty, I told everyone I was going to teach you to swim. Minoouuuuu Miiiiiinoooouuuuu