Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mountains Biffy Sheet Music Free

of your mother ...

There are smells that arouse in us, when we breathe, a lot of memories generally pleasant.
is the case for me.

I love the smell of undergrowth, humus that reminds me of my colossal mountains, long walks under spruce needles on the carpet ... we do not hear a noise and it's dark ...

I love the smell of oranges and clementines, which awakens in me the Christmas Eve by the fire, the days getting shorter, the preparations for Christmas with the kids, handing over the twists and other sweets by Santa Claus on the last day of classes.

I love the smell of jasmine, honeysuckle and orange blossom water (I do not know where it came from) but I close my eyes and imagine in a few riads in Morocco to sip tea.

I love the smell of rain in summer, one feels arrive well before it was there when the sky darkens slowly and the heat becomes so heavy that at last he begs for rain. The smell of wet earth for me is a true delight.

I also like the smell of coffee (related to Mr. Muscari, a heavy drinker of the beverage!) And Shalimar by Guerlain perfume that evokes me my maternal grandmother.
I'm not going to raise all the smells that I love and that reminds me of something, not the point!

And then there are smells that it is better not to remember. This is where the famous nettle manure which is attributed many virtues: rich in nitrogen, which stimulates the development of leaves, and rich in iron, he dismisses the chlorosis.

I briefly recall the recipe: Pick

nettles (without flowers and wearing gloves is better!): 1 kg of leaves to 9 liters of water. Let macerate together for 10 to 15 days. Stir the mixture every 2 days. There, if you're good, the juice will have a good and become gaseous stench! When there are more bubbles during the mixing slurry is then your loan. Water your plants with a mixture of 1 liter of liquid manure to 9 liters of water (good luck).

I have a girlfriend who gave us the nettle manure. Non-container large enough to prepare the slurry myself it was proposed to do (sympa!). Yesterday I decide to water my few plantings with the famous slurry. I open a bottle and there: IT THE DRAMA.
The infamous smell filled my nostrils and lungs, I have a tear in his eye so it schlingue. My son second, gardening with me even wonder who pooped in the bottle ... It is true that it is not wrong, it looks like lending to the smell of a good septic tank full .... well brefle a HORROR.

My children were saved from the garden ... I watered my small plantations in my corner, all alone ... trying not to breathe the fumes too "crappy." 4 hours later it still smelled the shit out ...!
My girlfriend did the same to her: her neighbor has landed him ask what it smelled like!

So dear readers, you therefore evokes the good old smell of manure nettle? the dead rat? Naples in January? the breath of the physics teacher of a second?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How To Buy In Nse Closing Session

1st and 1st emotions ... disappointments!

I see you already welcomed boils behind your screen, hoping that I'll tell you my first shoe or my first night of love ... but not ( band perverse it's a garden blog ... must follow a few !)

I will therefore speak of my 1 e r P o T has G e R tadam ... ...

2.40x2.40m A small square of tilled and amended with love in the spring.
I made house planting of carrots, lettuce, radishes and zucchini, but unfortunately, after having risen, everything is mourru even Dr. House could do nothing, that's say (I'm caught cons full of cum!).

second attempt at planting in the ground this time.
I had read in a book (good marriages the vegetable garden to name him) that could involve some plants between them. ok ... it is even marked that one can sow the seeds fly all 3 types of thinning and planting would be done as and crops (NGIN?). ok ....

And here's what it makes today:

But what's that mierda ... everything is mixed. In addition to the seeds of salad had to try to regroup them and radishes on their side because I do not know how to explain this cluster of shoots at various locations in the flat band! there's no uniformity damn, what are you doing the seeds, it's anything!

It will therefore be necessary that I found the courage to look into the various ups and j'éclaircisse and transplanted where nobody wanted to settle ( You really do everything in this garden, these seeds will not really ... )

So my 1st disappointment.
I forgot: I thought it would drive faster anyway: nothing, nada, keudchi. You should know that as you watch your seedlings with love, the more they grow in slow motion ... it's like that ... and that the books do not tell us (what a surprise, otherwise nobody would want to grow vegetables in his garden, QED).

My 1st emotions (yes, because, anyway, I've had!): My first harvest of radishes (itchy!) And my strawberries (well, I have a super productive plant the rest take it easy in the sun apparently).

I will not speak of my tomato plants scattered throughout the garden for lack of space in the garden, planting zucchini who decide to strike the shoot, salad seeds sown in the middle of flat strip of flowers to fill the voids, raspberry trying to resist the attacks of small ball and feverish fingers, the basil and thyme, which are invariably returned by cats who think positively for once litter feels too good and slugs who are having a field day in the middle of it all.

And when the girls you say "oh ... it's cool ... a garden of beautiful vegetables, flavors found, the true, the organic ..." : Are completely clueless or have not yet done T o P has G e R !!!